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- Unsolicited Idea Policy
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FreshDollsStore@Worldofepi.com - For questions about your order, please email Customer Service at FreshDollsStore@Worldofepi.com
Thank you for expressing interest in submitting your idea to World of EPI Company (“EPI” or “Company”). In all cases, ideas submitted in any form and in any medium will be considered non-confidential unless and until such time EPI determines to request additional information on a confidential basis. At that time, EPI may execute a Non-Disclosure Agreement (“NDA”) which will govern the disclosure of such additionally requested information. Any information provided to EPI prior to the execution of such NDA will be considered non-confidential even if an NDA is later executed and information subsequently exchanged on a confidential basis. DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR IDEA IN ANY FORM (VERBAL, E-MAIL, LETTER, SOCAL MEDIA, ETC.) UNTIL YOU HAVE READ THIS ENTIRE POLICY, EXECUTED THE NECESSARY SUBMISSION AGREEMENT, AND BEEN PROVIDED A FORMAL SUBMISSION FORM. No edits to the POLICY or SUBMISSION AGREEMENT will be accepted by EPI.
Continued Development:
EPI is an innovative company that actively works to develop products and creative ideas pertaining to its products, trademarks, intellectual property, marketing, and other aspects of its business. EPI is continuously developing new products and services, and improving upon its products and services using its team of associates and external consultants. In addition to many of the products EPI offers to consumers, it has many other products and services in various stages of development. Moreover, we have other ideas that we have analyzed, but we have considered such ideas not ready for further development at this time for various reasons. It is always possible EPI is working on or has already developed the specific idea or may later develop a similar idea to the one you would like to submit, even without having access to your submission. Your idea may have also been or will be suggested by another submitter. It is also possible that your idea may already be publicly disclosed, described in prior publications or may already be in public use.
Due to its continued development efforts, EPI evaluates ideas by outside parties solely on the understanding that EPI has no obligation of any kind to the submitter, namely no obligations of either confidentiality or payment. EPI’s policy is to not receive or consider any initial new product ideas or other submissions on a confidential basis. This Policy governs all (or any portion of) information contained in your submission, as well as, any subsequent communications (written, electronic or verbal) you may have with EPI unless and until such time as additional agreements may be executed. We feel this is very important in order to protect the interests of the Company and to avoid potential misunderstandings related to such submissions.
Prior to submitting ideas to companies, we encourage inventors to file for patent protection of any original ideas. Information on patenting ideas can be obtained from the United States Patent and Trademark Office at https://www.uspto.gov/. EPI may more strongly consider ideas that are described and claimed in an issued utility or design patent.
Marketing Ideas:
EPI will not consider suggestions for advertising, marketing campaigns, slogans, logos, brands, trademarks, or similar items.
Formal Agreement:
After EPI reviews your non-confidential submission, and if EPI decides to consider your idea in more detail on a confidential and/or exclusive basis, then only a written agreement signed by a duly authorized EPI Company Officer will create an obligation on EPI’s part to maintain the confidentiality of any information, enter into exclusivity discussions and/or to pay for the use of such information.
Status Inquiries:
EPI will not reply to any inquiries regarding the status of your submission. Instead, EPI will contact you if we decide your submission may be novel and we decide to further consider your submission in more detail.
No Return of Materials:
EPI will not return any materials or documents you may choose to provide, so we encourage you to only submit copies of materials, or materials you can easily duplicate or otherwise replace.
Advice of Counsel:
EPI highly recommends you consult with a lawyer and have a lawyer review this UNSOLICITED IDEA POLICY AND SUBMISSION AGREEMENT before submitting your idea to EPI . Third party disclosure of ideas can trigger certain filing deadlines if you intend to ultimately seek patent protection for your idea.
If, for any reason, a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this UNSOLICITED IDEA POLICY AND SUBMISSION AGREEMENT, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision of this UNSOLICITED IDEA POLICY AND SUBMISSION AGREEMENT shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to affect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this UNSOLICITED IDEA POLICY AND SUBMISSION AGREEMENT shall continue in full force and effect.
By submitting your idea and any subsequent materials to EPI via email, mail or in any other written, electronic or verbal form, you specifically represent or agree that:
1. You are at least 18 years of age.
2. You have read, understood and agree to the terms of this entire UNSOLICITED IDEA POLICY AND SUBMISSION AGREEMENT.
3. Your submission is an original idea and that you are the owner of all right, title and interest in the idea.
4. You had the opportunity to consult with an attorney regarding this Policy and Submission Agreement, if desired.
5. You have not relied, and will not rely, on representations by any EPI associate that contradict the terms of this Policy and Submission Agreement.
6. This Policy and Submission Agreement applies to all or any portion of your initial submission, and all other information you have provided or will later provide to EPI in any form, unless and until EPI decides to enter into a Mutual Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement with you in which case such Agreement will govern the submission of additional information beginning on the date of execution of such Agreement.
7. No effect will be given to the marking of any information submitted as “Confidential” or “Proprietary” or the like.
8. EPI has no confidentiality obligations, payment obligations or other obligations of any kind to you.
9. EPI is free to test, evaluate, use and commercialize any or all of the ideas in your submission for any purpose whatsoever and without compensation to you, except as restricted by any valid patent, or except as otherwise separately agreed to in writing by a duly authorized EPI Company Officer as provided herein or therein.
10. You acknowledge that, after your submission, you are not able to retract your ideas, nor prevent EPI from fully exploiting the ideas in your submission.
11. You do not have a confidential, fiduciary or other relationship with EPI, and no such relationship shall arise, in the absence of a separate written agreement signed by a duly authorized EPI Company Officer.
12. No EPI associate has authority to enter into a verbal confidentiality agreement or otherwise vary the terms of this Policy and Submission Agreement, except through a writing signed by a duly authorized EPI Company Officer.
13. EPI is not obligated to return any documents, items or other materials you submit. Your submission does not infringe on or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of others. Further, you represent and warrant you are not under any obligation of confidentiality to any other party with respect to the ideas, information and/or documents which you submit to EPI in connection with this Policy and Submission Agreement.
14. No other person or entity is owed compensation or has any rights related to your submission or that would arise from EPI’s use of your submission.
15. Any disputes that arise between EPI and you regarding this Agreement or EPI’s use of your submission will be governed by Florida law without regard to its conflicts of laws or provisions and venued in the state or federal courts of Florida.
If, after reviewing the Policy and Submission Agreement, you would like to submit your idea to EPI, CLICK HERE to request the Agreement. Your signature will acknowledge you have read, understand and agree to the terms of the UNSOLICITED IDEA POLICY AND SUBMISSION AGREEMENT outlined above. Upon receipt of your signed agreement, if EPI is accepting unsolicited ideas, you will be emailed a formal SUBMISSION FORM along with an email or office address to submit your materials.
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